Nepal Grameen Bikas Bank Limited

Introduction About Organization Nepal is one of the poorest countries in the South Asia region and in the world. Poverty is the main challenge of economic development in Nepal. Financial Institutions are established in Nepal with the motive to help uplift the economic situation of the socio-economically backward Nepali people. However, most of the finance institutions are established and concentrated in urban areas and run in conventional way. So, the rural poor have no access to the financial services. Many of the development agencies have attempted to create groups and run micro-finance programs but after the completion of their projects such groups are left unnoticed with no further idea and help. So GSSLBS has been designed in such a way to reach the most un reached clients of the remote Terai area of Nepal with some specific model and products.Reade More Organization Info Featuring GSLBSL Mission Vison Objectives We improve and aware the family which is socio-economically backward in society, to build their capacity at finance and social sector are our vision. dilip MESSAGE FROM THE CEO It is fact that, Poverty reduction has been made possible with the proactive role of micro finance institution; all over the world. VVS is one of the Organizations who dedicated to serve the deprived women and unemployed youth through microfinance services in tarai area of Nepal Read More.

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