Rs 616 market price of insurance's company six lakhs units shares only for Rs 100

Oct Fri 2020 06:28:32


Rs 616 market price of insurance's company six lakhs  units shares only for Rs 100

Kathmandu. Gurans Life Insurance has opened sale of around 600,000 unsold shares through auction.

Out of the 93,85,200 shares issued by the company from July 29 to July 30, 590,014 shares are about to be sold at auction.

Out of the shares auctioned, 337,565 shares belong to the founder group and 252,449 shares belong to the general public group.

For the purchase of shares of the company (September 13 to 19) bids will have to be submitted through secret shillbandi. Investors will have to apply with the number and price of the shares they want to buy without reducing the minimum price per share to 100.

Investors will be able to apply for a minimum of 100 lots and a maximum of all lots.

Investors can apply from NMB Capital, Nagpokhari Kathmandu, NMB Bank's Biratnagar, Jhapa, Birgunj, Janakpur, Hetauda, ​​Chitwan, Pokhara, Baglung, Butwal, Nepalgunj, Surkhet, Dhangadhi and Mahendranagar and Shine Resunga Development Bank's Dang branch office.