Nabil Bank honored with ADB's "Leading Partner Bank" award

Oct Wed 2020 06:08:49


Nabil Bank honored with ADB's "Leading Partner Bank" award

Kathmandu. Nabil Bank Limited has been recognized as the Leading Partner Bank of Nepal by the Asian Development Bank-Trade and Supply Chain Finance Program (TSCFP) for 2020.

 The Asian Development Bank (TSCFP) provides guarantees and loans to banks with the objective of boosting trade by uplifting the business finance market. The Trade Finance Program works to empower countries to achieve sustainable development goals by eliminating market difficulties through guarantees and loans.

According to the ADB Trade Finance Program announcement, Nabil Bank recorded the highest number of transactions with Nepal (TSCFP) from July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020. Nabil Bank has 119 branches, 185 ATMs and more than 1500 Nabil remittance agents.