3 days Public Holiday from Bhadra 5, The public holidays in 2078 BS

Aug Wed 2021 10:24:35


3 days Public Holiday from Bhadra 5,  The public holidays in 2078 BS

Kathmandu. Leave has been given for three consecutive days since September 19. There will be three consecutive days off in Kathmandu Valley. There will be three consecutive days off on August 20, 21 and 22.

It has fallen on Saturday, August 20 and on Janai Purni on August 20. On the occasion of Janapurnima, the government has made it public all over the country. Similarly, there will be a public holiday only in Kathmandu Valley on August 25.

These are the public holidays given by the government in 2078 BS

यी हुन् २०७८ सालमा सरकारले दिएको सार्वजनिक बिदा