The risk of a brain stroke in the third wave of the corona, why a brain stroke ?

Jan Sun 2022 01:18:24


The risk of a brain stroke in the third wave of the corona, why a brain stroke ?

Kathmandu, The third wave of corona virus may not cause serious symptoms, but it is proving to be even more dangerous. The Indira Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences has identified the third wave of brain stroke as a major threat. The patient's condition is deteriorating as the nerves in the brain become weak and rupture after this infection. Many such cases have been reported in Bihar hospitals. This is the subject of research.

Doctors at IGIMS say there is no risk of brain stroke after covidia in the second wave of corona. But in the third wave, cases of brain stroke are coming out. On the same day on Saturday, 8 new cases of brain stroke have been made public and recently 35 patients have been admitted. Within 15 days, more than 42 such patients have been found here, who are suffering from brain stroke after covid.

Doctors at IGIMS say the third wave of corona brain stroke cases is the subject of research. Covid was also in 2021, but there was no such thing as a brain stroke. This time in 15 days, 42 people have had a brain stroke, out of which 30 people have seen side effects of corona. The other 12 did not have corona, may have no symptoms. Dr. Sanjeev Kumar of Patna AIIMS also says that the corona infection has increased a lot.

Why does a brain stroke occur?

Doctors have said that he ruptured due to high blood pressure in the weak nerves of the brain after the infection. The reason for this is the constant change in the weather. Lack of monitoring of blood pressure and sugar as well as negligence in medicine has also increased the risk. People are becoming careless after the infection, which increases the risk. Doctors say that corona side effects can be reduced by monitoring sugar, blood pressure and exercise.