Nabil Investment Banking brings free service offer

Feb Tue 2022 04:05:30


Nabil Investment Banking brings free service offer

Kathmandu. Nabil Investment Banking Limited, on the occasion of its tweveth anniversary, has stated that it will provide a complete discount on the annual fee for those who wish to enter the stock market and receive investment management services for twelve months (one year).

 Having completed twelve years of operation and entering its thirteenth year, it has stated that its investment will be properly managed by providing excellent service to its customers in the coming days as in the past. The company has appointed skilled and experienced market analysts with the objective of providing high returns to the investors by properly managing their investments.

 As a result, investors who have not been able to properly manage their investments due to their busy schedule and those who have not been able to get proper information about the stock market can enter it for the first twelve months without any management fee, the company said.

Investors' investment in this investment management service will be decided by taking into account the fluctuations of the market on the basis of efficient and thorough analysis and in-depth analysis. In addition to the amount invested, the profitable amount can be withdrawn from the market at any time by the investor if he wants to enter the service.