One rupees new coin in the Nepali market

Mar Wed 2022 03:28:19


One rupees new coin in the Nepali market

Kathmandu. Nepal Rastra Bank has introduced a new rupee coin in the market. The bank has published the information for the information of all concerned as the rupee 1 rate coin with the following features written in the year 2077 stamped in the same size and golden color will be in circulation from 2078.11.25.

(A) On the front of the coin - There are sixty-four dots within the circular circle of the coin. Within the circular circle of sixty-four dots there is a map of Nepal with seven provinces in the background of mountains, hills and terai. On the upper part of the coin is written Re 1 in English and on the lower part is written Devanagari script. Rs.

(B) On the back of the coin - There are sixty four dots in the circular circle of the coin. The square shape inside the circular figure with eight dots is surrounded by moon, sun, wheel, number, lotus, mace and the shape of Mount Everest in the middle. And 2077 is written in the lower part.