How much salary Scale of four commercial banks in Nepal ?

Nov Mon 2022 02:15:24


How much salary Scale of four commercial banks in Nepal ?

Kathmandu. Three commercial banks and one infrastructure bank have published their annual reports for the last financial year 2078/79. After completing the annual general meeting of the last year, the banks have also passed the dividend. Kumari Bank, Citizen Bank, NCC Bank and Nepal Infrastructure Bank have completed their general meeting. These banks have published the annual report of last year.

According to the published report, the banks have also mentioned the salary allowance service facility paid to the chief executive officers and senior management officers.

Kumari Bank: Kumari Bank has given a salary allowance of four crore rupees to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). In the last financial year 2078/79, the bank has given 3 crore 99 lakh 15 thousand 567 rupees salary allowance.

The bank paid CEO Rs 95 lakh 48 thousand 188 for salary, 16 lakh 87 thousand 711 for allowance, 9 lakh 54 thousand 818 for accumulation fund, 10 lakh 65 thousand 680 for Dashain allowance, 40 lakh 63 thousand 736 for leave, 2 lakh 43 thousand for gratuity. 362, 39 lakh 92 thousand 481 for bonus and 1 crore 83 lakh 59 thousand 588 for other titles.

According to the bank, the then head of Kamu Anujmani Timilsina (up to 24th of January 2078) has taken 3 crore 64 lakh 98 thousand. Ramchandra Khanal (up to Baisakh 13, 2079) realized 49 lakh 73 thousand rupees. According to the bank, Khanal has 43 lakh 25 thousand for salary, 3 lakh 58 thousand for festival allowance and 2 lakh 90 thousand rupees under other headings.

Citizen Bank : Citizen Bank's Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Ganesh Raj Pokharel has received more than one and a half million salary allowances. The CEO said that Pokharel received 1 crore 76 lakh 30 thousand 776 rupees during one year.

Last year, CEO Pokharel received Rs 84 lakh as salary, allowance, Rs 60 lakh allowance and Dashain allowance Rs 950,000. The bank has paid 25 lakh 41 thousand rupees for the director's meeting fee. 3 crore 25 lakh 87 thousand 813 rupees as salary, allowances and facilities have been paid to other officials.

NCC Bank : NCC Bank has given salary and allowance facilities to Chief Executive Officer Ramesh Raj Aryal in the last financial year 2078/79. In the last year, the bank has paid 30 million 24 lakh 905 rupees to other executive officers/managers. It is mentioned in the report that last year, the bank paid 16,000 rupees to the chairman and 14,000 rupees to the director as per the approval of Nepal Rastra Bank.

In the last year, a total of 1 crore 17 lakh 59 thousand 593 rupees has been paid to the members of the board of directors as meeting allowance 58 lakh 50 thousand, other expenses 59 lakh 9 thousand 593 rupees.

Nepal Infrastructure Bank : Nepal Infrastructure Bank has paid one and a half million rupees to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Ramrikshna Khatiwada last year.

The bank has paid 1 crore 48 lakh 99 lakh 149 rupees as salary, allowance and facilities to CEO Khatiwada in the last year. Similarly, in the last year, the bank has given 66 lakh 52 thousand 782 rupees to the Deputy Chief Executive Officer. The bank has given the said amount for last year's salary, allowance and facilities.

Last year, the bank gave 1 crore 49 lakh 69 thousand 820 rupees to the deputy general managers and 2 crore 64 lakh 99 thousand 577 rupees to the managers.