Pushpa Suicided case : Sudhan was jailed on the charge of forcing suicide

Jan Fri 2023 04:17:25


Pushpa Suicided case : Sudhan was jailed on the charge of forcing suicide

Kathmandu. Kathmandu district court has ordered to keep him in jail until the end of the case, saying that it is not possible to say that he is not immediately involved in the debate of Thunchek. After the order that came on Thursday, he has been remanded in custody. Both of them who were in a love relationship agreed to get married and got engaged. Later, Sudhan broke the engagement. On the second day after the engagement was broken, Pushpa committed suicide by pouring petrol in front of Sudhan's house.

By committing suicide in front of Sudhan's house, it was the Sangraula family who forced him to commit suicide, and he stayed in front of their house for about five hours, even when he tried to meet him by knocking on the door, he committed suicide. It seems that he was sent to prison based on the argument that he was forced to do it. In his police statement, Sudhan said that he returned the betel nut because he had told about his relationship with another boy. Sangraula said in a statement, "Pushpa said she will meet her ex-boyfriend." Her mobile cover also had a photo of her ex-boyfriend.

He claimed that when it was revealed that Pushpa had sexual relations with many boys and that Pushpa's family members also raped her, they stopped listening to such things.

When asked about her, she said that she used to walk around with boys and even had physical contact. During the conversation, for the third time, one day, I told you something about my past on Messenger, but you told me not to tell others about it.

I promised not to tell anyone. Then he said, 'If I inform you about this matter, you may not like me. You must be disgusted with me. When she told me to believe me, she said, "My past is dark, someone forcibly raped me a few years ago and I even told my family members about it."

She said that there was no hearing at that time, she was subjected to violence in her family and even now she is being neglected by the people of her family. I told a guy like you when I couldn't keep things a secret. "I tried to commit suicide in the past," she said.

She said that my family started loving me only when she started earning money and got close to you. Pushpa used to write on messenger that she had physical relations with other boys and she used to do the same things because of unbearable pain. Inform family members.

I stopped talking to Pushpa on phone and social media when a girl who was ready to get married started talking like this before getting married. After stopping the conversation and not picking up the phone, she called my brother Madhu and said that Sudhan is not talking to me, I am stressed, if it is the same, I will jump from Kelmi's office bardli to the road.

She started to criticize me repeatedly asking me to forgive her if I did something wrong with you. He started sending me random messages and asking me to forgive him in what mood I said.

I stopped having a relationship with him 2 months ago when I started to feel that he was cheating and hiding things. One day she came to my house and asked me to forgive her for once. I didn't care because I didn't want to take the relationship further. She started threatening suicide. I informed her family that Pushpa has done a couple of things that hurt me which I cannot bear.

When the relationship broke down, the family members tried to remind them that they had to get along. One day, I even told Pushpa's mother that she was involved in youth violence as a family. Because of these things, I can no longer go to reconciliation.

He decided to bring back the betel nut given to Pushpa's family so as not to continue this relationship. When I informed Pushpa's paternal uncle that we should return the betel nut that we gave her, Pushpa said that her father tried to call her once. When I met Pushpa's father after the relationship broke down, I couldn't take good care of my daughter, she is my daughter, I had kept a hostel since she was young, if possible, let's move forward together, don't think I forced you, if not, he told me to come to take back the betel nut.

On 17th of November 2075, my father, mother, brother and I went to Pushpa's house to take betel nut after telling my family the final decision not to continue the relationship. A conversation took place between the members of both the families. Pushpa met me alone for the last time and said 'I'm sorry that you were stressed because of me' and she hugged me. Then we took back the betel nut (various ornaments and clothes) that we had given earlier and came to our house.

Pushpa then blocked all of us house family members on Facebook and other social networks as well. I was forgetting the relationship. In the afternoon of November 18, I was working at home. At around 5:30 in the evening, I went to pick up my father as he was going to New Road. Dai Madhu and I left home at 6 to visit Sankata and Mahakal temple.

At around 7:30, the elder brother Nikesh Sangraula called and said that Pushpa had set herself on fire near the gate of the house and was injured and taken to the hospital. I took my mother to Heims Hospital. When I returned home after the usual treatment, the police called the office. Pushpa was not motivated in any way to commit suicide.

She may have come to the gate of my house and caused the incident due to the pain of losing her closeness with me and because of her own past.