Monetary Policy of 2080/81 has Published

Jul Sun 2023 03:12:18


Monetary Policy of 2080/81 has Published

Kathmandu. The monetary policy passed by Nepal Rastra Bank has been made public. The Central Bank has issued a new monetary policy for the current financial year 2080/81.

In the monetary policy of the current financial year announced by the National Bank today, arrangements have been made to support the foreign exchange reserves. Similarly, the foreign exchange reserve will determine the policy rate based on the ability to support imports and the annual target inflation. The fixed exchange rate of the Nepali currency with the Indian currency has been maintained as a lever of monetary policy.

The weighted average interest rate of interbank transactions of banks and financial institutions has been kept unchanged as the operating target. The monetary policy aims to keep the interbank interest rate within the interest rate corridor by actively conducting open market transactions based on the status of operational targets. Similarly, it aims to manage the monetary system so as not to put pressure on the prices due to the monetary expansion to maintain the inflation rate within 6.5 percent.

The central bank has set a priority for channeling financial resources to the productive sector in order to help achieve economic growth of 6 percent as targeted by the government's annual budget statement for the current year. Similarly, in the current year, detailed money supply is projected to increase by 12.5 percent and loans from banks and financial institutions to the private sector by 11.5 percent.

The central bank has said that the risk weighting of real estate loans and hire purchase loans will also be reviewed. With this, the stock market, real estate and higher purchase sectors will get relief. Nepal Rastra Bank Governor Mahaprasad Adhikari has said that he will maintain 100% risk in share mortgage loans up to 50 lakh rupees.

Explaining the monetary policy of the current fiscal year 2080/81 to the public on Sunday, he said, - Before this, only loans up to 25 lakh rupees were subject to 100 percent risk burden. However, now it is going to be increased to Rs 50 lakh.