Category/exclusive-news (Total Articles : 2469 )

Top 4 commercial Banks of Nepal published attractive financial statements, what is the dividend capacity ?

Top 4 commercial Banks of Nepal published attractive financial statements, what is the dividend capacity ?

Kathmandu. 4 commercial banks have published their financial statements up to the fourth quarter of the last financial year. Overall, the details of all the 4 banks are attractive. The performance of banks is good. Today we will discuss here about the key indicators of...

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Nepal Rastra Bank focuses on increasing share loans: Now Investors to take loans at cheap interest rates by shares as collateral

Nepal Rastra Bank focuses on increasing share loans: Now Investors to take loans at cheap interest rates by shares as collateral

Kathmandu. Nepal Rastra Bank is going to give loans at the cheapest interest by keeping the shares as collateral. National Commercial Bank is going to provide share loan at a minimum interest rate of 11.27 percent. People who want to take a loan choose a...

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What is the interest rate of  Share  loan in  banks ? Now share loan form  Kumari Bank, Krishi Bikas Bank and  Nepal Bank get Easily

What is the interest rate of Share loan in banks ? Now share loan form Kumari Bank, Krishi Bikas Bank and Nepal Bank get Easily

Kathmandu. As deposit collection in banks and financial institutions is increasing and loan interest rates are decreasing, banks have started increasing loan investment. Investors say that banks are also calling investors and asking them to take share loans. After the National Bank also instructed to...

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Prabhu Bank's net profit is 3 billion over

Prabhu Bank's net profit is 3 billion over

Kathmandu. Prabhu Bank has earned 5.5 billion rupees in the fourth quarter of the last financial year. According to bank sources, the bank has earned a net profit of 5.4 billion rupees till last June.However, the profit will be reduced...

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Machhapuchhre Bank distributable profit increased by 162.66 percent

Machhapuchhre Bank distributable profit increased by 162.66 percent

Kathmandu. Machhapuchhre Bank has the ability to distribute 15.29 percent dividend from last year's profit. According to last year's financial statement, the bank's distributable profit increased by 162.66 percent to 1.56 billion 87.44 thousand rupees. During the same period of the previous year, the distributable...

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Nepal's biggest export is Information technology through  Nepalese earned 67.5 billion Amount

Nepal's biggest export is Information technology through Nepalese earned 67.5 billion Amount

Kathmandu. In the financial year 2078/79, Nepal exported goods worth two trillion. The amount earned by Nepal by exporting information technology services in one year is 43 percent of the total exports. However, earnings from information technology exports are not found in official...

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Himalayan Everest Insurance has received Two International Awards

Himalayan Everest Insurance has received Two International Awards

Kathmandu. Himalayan Everest Insurance Limited has received two international awards. Insurance Asia Singapore has honored Himalayan Everest Insurance with two prestigious awards. Insurance Inclusion Initiative of the Year Nepal New Insurance Product of the Year Nepal awarded the company with two honors in a...

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Securities Board of Nepal  (SEBON) has published programs and policies 2080/081

Securities Board of Nepal (SEBON) has published programs and policies 2080/081

Kathmandu. The Nepal Securities Board (SEBON)  has announced the policy and program for the financial year 2080.81 related to the securities market and the commodity exchange market. By announcing policies and programs, the board has adopted 10 main policies related to the development, expansion and...

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Share mortgage loans in Nepal up to 50 lakhs 100 percent risk load

Share mortgage loans in Nepal up to 50 lakhs 100 percent risk load

Kathmandu. Nepal Rastra Bank, which currently calculates up to 25 lakhs at 100 percent, has made the limit of the risk load of share mortgages to 50 lakhs. The National Bank has made this arrangement by issuing an instruction. The National Bank announced monetary policy...

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Monetary policy 2080/081 Implementation Action by Nepal Rastra Bank : Revision of risk weighting of Share Loan, Vehicle Loan and real estate loans

Monetary policy 2080/081 Implementation Action by Nepal Rastra Bank : Revision of risk weighting of Share Loan, Vehicle Loan and real estate loans

Kathmandu. Nepal Rastra Bank has started implementing monetary policy. Last Sunday, the Central Bank issued the monetary policy for the current financial year 2080/81. The central bank has started implementing the measures adopted in the same monetary policy. The central bank mentioned that it will...

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Nepal Rastra Bank has reduced the interest rate limit, now the policy rate is 6.5 percent

Nepal Rastra Bank has reduced the interest rate limit, now the policy rate is 6.5 percent

Kathmandu. Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) has reduced the deposit collection rate, which is the lower limit of the bank's interest rate corridor. National Bank has reduced this rate by one percentage point to 6.5. The Central Bank has implemented such a system while implementing the...

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Citizens Bank's profit increased by 10.5 percent and distributable profit is 1 billion Above

Citizens Bank's profit increased by 10.5 percent and distributable profit is 1 billion Above

Kathmandu. Citizens Bank Limited has published unrefined financial statements for the fourth quarter of last financial year. According to the details, the net profit of the bank has increased slightly compared to the same period of the previous financial year. According to the financial statement...

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Sanima Bank starts Sanima five in 1 Account Services

Sanima Bank starts Sanima five in 1 Account Services

Kathmandu . Sanima Bank started its operation in 2004 as a National Level Development Bank. Sanima was licensed to operate by the Nepal Rastra Bank to function as an "A" Class Commercial Bank in 2012. Sanima has 104 full-fledged branches and 28 extension counters within...

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Bank Interest rates raised in Europe : which is highest in two decades

Bank Interest rates raised in Europe : which is highest in two decades

Kathmandu. Interest rates have been raised again in Europe. The European Central Bank (ECB) has increased interest rates. Along with this, interest rates in Europe have reached their highest level since 2000. The ECB has increased the interest rate on deposits in 20 countries in...

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Bank Interest Rate has Increased by US Banks

Bank Interest Rate has Increased by US Banks

Kathmandu. US Banks has increased the interest rate which affects the global stock market. The Federal Reserve Bank (US Fed) has raised policy rates by 25 basis points or 0.25 percent due to continued rising inflation. After the latest hike, benchmark interest rates in the...

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