Prabhu Bank, Nepal, SBI Bank, Manjushree Finance, and Tinau Mission Bank Bonus Share Listed in Nepse

Mar Fri 2021 08:16:03


Prabhu Bank, Nepal, SBI Bank, Manjushree Finance, and Tinau Mission Bank Bonus Share Listed in Nepse

Kathmandu. More than 18.2 million shares have been added to the Nepal Stock Exchange (NEPSE) this week. This year, bonus shares of Manjushree Finance, Nepal SBI Bank, Tinau Mission Development Bank and Prabhu Bank have been listed in Nepse.

Manjushree Finance

18 percent bonus shares of Manjushree Finance are listed on the Nepal Stock Exchange (NEPSE) on Monday. The company listed 1,472,636.2746 bonus shares on Monday.

Nepal SBI Bank

Nepal SBI Bank's 6 percent bonus shares were listed on the Nepal Stock Exchange (NEPSE) on Tuesday. A total of 5.373 million 723.33 shares of the bonus shares of Nepal SBI Bank have been listed.

Tinau Mission Development Bank

The 6 percent bonus share of Tinau Mission Development Bank was listed on the Nepal Stock Exchange (NEPSE) on Tuesday. 1 million 87 thousand 876.3205 shares of Tinau Mission have been listed.

Lord Bank

Prabhu Bank's 10 percent bonus shares are listed on the Nepal Stock Exchange (NEPSE) on Wednesday. The bank listed 13,15,506.64 shares of the bonus shares on Wednesday.