IPO allotment of Mountain Energy Nepal, Check IPO Result

Dec Wed 2020 07:52:10


IPO allotment of Mountain Energy Nepal, Check IPO Result

1,83,026 investors get 10 units share of IPO Mountain Energy Nepal and  4,68,549 applicants return empty hand

Check IPO Result of Mountain Energy Nepal Limited

Mountain Energy Nepal Limited had issued 19,68,027 units shares worth Rs 19.68 crore as Initial Public Offering to the general public from (Kartik 26- Mangsir 2, 2077).

6,51,575 valid applicants who had applied for a total of 13,019,890 units. 

As per the allotment module, a total of 1,83,026 applicants were allotted 10 units each via lottery whereas 5 lucky applicants get 1 unit extra and the remaining 4,68,549 applicants were returned empty hands. 

A total of 39,361 units were allotted to the 18 staff of the company and  98,401 units allotted to mutual funds.