Nepse rises by 221 points in one year

May Sat 2020 05:50:36


Nepse rises by 221 points in one year

The Nepse index has increased by 221.7 points in the last one year. The Nepse index, which stood at 1155.5 points in mid-February 2075 BS, has reached 1377.2 points in the corresponding period of 2076 BS. The index was at 1259 points in mid-July 2076 BS.

Similarly, the stock market capitalization has increased by 24.7 percent on an annual point basis in the last eight months. The market capitalization stood at Rs 1,760.93 billion in mid-February from Rs 1,567.50 billion in mid-July last year.

The paid up value of the listed shares is Rs. 459.49 billion by the end of March. 4.69 billion shares have been listed in Nepse during the period.

During the review period, the Nepal Securities Board (NSB) has been allowed to issue securities worth Rs 29.62 billion. During the same period, the board has given permission for debentures worth Rs 21.45 billion, rights shares worth Rs 4.41 billion, ordinary shares worth Rs 2.75 billion and mutual funds worth Rs 1 billion.

As of mid-February, a total of 212 companies have been listed. Which was 215 last July.

The share Value of company?

Of the listed companies, banks and financial institutions and insurance companies have a market capitalization of 80.9 percent. Similarly, the share of hydropower company was 5.3 percent, manufacturing and processing industry 3.8 percent, hotel 1.2 percent, business 0.3 percent and other group companies 8.2 percent.