How to fill IPO from home ?

Oct Thu 2020 07:05:32


How to fill IPO from home ?

 This information for those who want to fill the IPO

1. Open a bank account: To apply for an IPO, you must first open a bank account with any of the C-ASBA affiliated banks.

2. Open a demat account: Just like depositing money in a bank, you should deposit shares in a demat account. That is, a demat account is an account that holds your shares. Therefore, a demat account is also required to fill an IPO. If the shares fall after the completion of the IPO, the shares will be credited to this demat account.

3. Where to open a demat account? : Demat account can be opened in any securities broker company approved by Nepal Securities Board. Apart from this, various banks and financial institutions, merchant banking companies have also provided this facility.

4. Get a CRN number: After opening a demat account, go to the bank where you have your account (the bank mentioned in the demat account) and get the CRN number. The CRN number serves to link your bank account and demat account.

5. Open My Shares: My Shares are also needed to fill out an IPO and view your demat account details. In case of opening demat, please also take the username and password of my share provided by CDS and Clearing Limited (CDSC). If you have taken the share username and password, you can apply for IPO from home or anywhere through internet.

6. Applying from a bank: Anyone who has not taken my share can also apply for an IPO. But for that you have to apply by filling the form from the branch where you have your bank account.

7. After completing the above 1 to 5 process, you can easily apply for IPO. When applying in this way, the amount equal to the share you want to apply must be in the bank account. After filing an IPO, an amount equal to the value of the shares you want to purchase is blocked in your bank account. After the distribution of shares, the amount equal to the shares received by you will be deducted from the bank account and the shares will be credited to the demat account. The amount not received remains in your bank account.