Mahila microfinance (MSMBS) declared to pay 50 percent dividend

Oct Sun 2021 01:03:07


Mahila microfinance (MSMBS) declared to pay 50 percent dividend

Kathmandu. The women's microfinance financial institution has proposed to distribute 50 percent dividend from the last fiscal year's profit to the shareholders. The meeting of the board of directors of the company has proposed to distribute a total of 50 percent dividend with 45 percent bonus share and 5 percent cash dividend including tax on it. The proposed dividend will be received by the shareholders after the approval of Nepal Rastra Bank and the approval of the next general meeting of the company.

Mahila  Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited (MLBSL) as a public limited company received operating license from Nepal Rastra Bank as D class financial institution on 2075/06/22 to operate under Bank and Financial Institution Act, 2073. It’s Central Office is located in Sanga-13, Kavre and working area is all district of Nepal. It provides customer friendly microfinance services in rural areas as well as some urban areas of Nepal for the poorest people.