Did Asadh's decline of market correlate to the mutual funds' sales of stocks? Find out through SS Pro

Aug Fri 2019 05:35:37


Did Asadh's decline of market correlate to the mutual funds' sales of stocks? Find out through SS Pro

There are 16 mutual funds in the country currently. Out of 16, Siddhartha Equity Oriented Scheme (SEOS) got matured recently. Nabil Balance Fund 2 (NBF2), Citizens Mutual Fund 2 (CMF2) and NIBL Sahabhagita Fund (NIBLSF) (open end mutual fund) are new mutual funds added to the list.

Mutual funds have an investment in listed/ unlisted funds of Rs 7.43 arba in Asadh compared to Rs 7.49 arba in Jestha. Similarly, mutual funds have increased bank balance from Rs 4.24 arba in Jestha to Rs 5.82 arba. This shows that the mutual funds have sold shares. Mutual funds investment in debentures and public shares amounts to Rs 93.49 crores. Similarly, the funds also have invested 1.70% in primary shares which amounts to Rs 25.23 crores.