Check IPO Result of Chandragiri Hills Limited, 1,39,602 investors get 10 units

Jan Fri 2021 02:29:32


Check IPO Result of Chandragiri Hills Limited, 1,39,602 investors get 10 units

IPO allotment of Chandragiri Hills Limited  lucky 1,39,602 investors get 10 units each and remaining 10,71,513 applicants return empty hands.

Check IPO Result of Chandragiri Hills Limited

Chandragiri Hills Limited has issued 15,34,0

91 units worth Rs 15.34 crore as Initial Public Offering to the general public from (Poush 24- Poush 28, 2077).

As per the allotment module, a total of 1,39,602 applicants were allotted 10 units each via lottery, and the remaining 10,71,513 applicants were returned empty hands. 

A total of 61,364 units were allotted to the staff of the company and 76,705 units allotted to mutual funds.