Nepal's economic growth rate will be negative - UN

Jan Tue 2021 08:19:29


Nepal's economic growth rate will be negative - UN

Kathmandu. There is a big difference between the projection of multilateral donors and the government in the current fiscal year where the budget is being implemented with an estimated economic growth rate of 7 percent. The United Nations has also made similar projections.

Announcing the latest report on the global economic situation, the United Nations has estimated that Nepal's economic growth rate will be negative in the current fiscal year. According to the United Nations projection, Nepal's economic growth rate will fall to -0.1 percent in 2021. Earlier, the World Bank had estimated that the economic growth rate would be 0.6 percent in the fiscal year 2020/21. The United Nations has projected a slowdown in economic growth this year.

The United Nations estimates that Nepal will achieve a growth rate of 8 percent in the coming fiscal year.

In 2021, the economic growth rate of South Asian countries will remain the same

Maldives: 9.9 percent

India: 7 percent

Bangladesh: 5.1 percent

Afghanistan: 4.3 percent

Bhutan: 3.5 percent

Sri Lanka: 3.1 percent

Pakistan: 0.5 percent

Nepal: -0.1 percent