Three commercial banks are eligible to buy shares from Book Building Method

Mar Thu 2021 06:06:16


Three commercial banks are eligible to buy shares from Book Building Method

Kathmandu. Ten more companies, including three commercial banks, have qualified as institutional investors for public issue securities through book-building method. The Securities and Exchange Board of Nepal (SEB) on Tuesday approved the company to work as a qualified institutional investor.

Laxmi Bank, Kumari Bank and Sunrise Bank are among the other 10 eligible companies. Similarly, Usha Investment, Goodwill Finance, United Idi Mardi & RB Hydropower, Vishal Group, Ganesh Properties and Investment Pvt. Ltd., Prudential Capital Management Company Pvt. Ltd. And Sid Infra Pvt. Ltd. will also be able to issue shares through book building.

The board had earlier given the approval to a total of 64 companies. Now, a total of 74 companies, including 10 more, will work as qualified institutional investors in book building.