Weekly 2 days Leave, What will the government decide ?

Mar Fri 2021 07:52:21


Weekly 2 days  Leave, What will the government decide ?

Kathmandu. The study report conducted for the purpose of giving public leave two days a year seems to be limited to discussion.

The study report has shown that Rs 1.64 billion will be saved in the state treasury in two days. The government study report has shown that two days off a year will reduce the expenditure on various topics by 16 to 20 percent.

The government study report states that the provision of two days public holiday per week will reduce the expenditure on fuel, electricity, water and sanitation and transportation by about 16 to 20 percent in the budget of the Fiscal Year 2077/78.

The committee has said that the proposal to give this leave to the private sector would be beneficial. The report states that the private sector can reduce operating expenses other than rent when implementing such a provision.

The committee has also given some definite reasons in the report for the two-day leave proposal. The report, which was made public for suggestions and feedback, said the two-day leave would increase productivity, promote domestic tourism, help maintain gender equality, balance personal life, maintain family closeness and have a positive impact on the environment.

The report examines international practice. He has given an example that there is a provision of taking 40 hours of work from employees and workers in five days abroad and giving leave two days in a week. However, in Nepal, even if employees go to the office six days a week for 40 hours of work, it is seen as unproductive.

 If the government decides to give 40 hours of office hours and two days of public leave in five days, about 500,000 employees in civil, military, police, armed police, government and community school teachers, university professors and government institutions will get leave, while 1 million employees from private sector Even if they take a day off two days a week, they will go for a walk the next day.

It has been mentioned in the report that it will help in the promotion of domestic tourism as it will affect not only the family but also the neighbors.

At present, the office is operating in Nepal from 10 am to 5 pm five days a week from Sunday to Thursday and from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm on Fridays.

By increasing the time by one hour daily in five working days, the service recipients will not have to wait unnecessarily and the work done in six days will be completed in five days. It is mentioned in the report that 12 hours a week is wasted considering the time to get ready to go to the office 6 days a week. Of the countries in the world where statistics are available, 91 percent have two days off a year, while 38 out of 43 Asian countries have two days off a year. Of the eight SAARC countries, Nepal has only one day off a week. The report claims that the two-day holiday will promote domestic tourism. The Corona epidemic is expected to help revive a weak economy.

The study committee formed under the coordination of the then Joint Secretary of the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation Kamal Prasad Bhattarai had prepared the report about three months ago.