Health emergency order, fines Rs 2,000 for two-wheel and Rs 5,000 for four wheels vehicles driving without permission

May Sat 2021 01:00:39


Health emergency order, fines Rs 2,000 for two-wheel and Rs 5,000 for four wheels vehicles driving without permission

Kathmandu. An ordinance issued by President Vidyadevi Bhandari has made provision for paying fine for driving without permission. Driving without permission during the restraining order is punishable by a fine. Such provision has been made in Sub-section 2 (c) of Section 21 of the COVID-19 Crisis Management Ordinance, 2078 BS issued by President Bhandari. The ordinance stipulates a fine of Rs 2,000 for driving a two-wheeled vehicle and Rs 5,000 for transporting a sick person without permission.

The government has brought in an ordinance with the provision of declaring a health emergency in case of acute corona virus infection. It is said that the security personnel can control the vehicles at a certain time. Provision has also been made to pay a fine of Rs 100 to those who move around in public places without wearing masks.