Exclusive Report Flash : Corona virus is man-made with evidence

May Sun 2021 01:26:48


Exclusive Report Flash : Corona virus is  man-made with evidence

A new study has shown that Chinese scientists created the corona virus in the Wuhan laboratory. According to the study, the reverse engineering version of the virus thus created has tried to cover the tracks from which the virus appears to have evolved naturally.

The authors of the paper were British professor Angus Dalglish and Norwegian scientist Dr. Birger Serensen is. He is said to have had "strong evidence of retro-engineering in China" over a one-year period. Despite being ignored by major magazines, the popular Daily Mail has written news based on the study report.

Dalglish is a professor of oncology at St George's University in London. He is best known for his success in developing the first HIV vaccine. Serensen, a virologist and chairman of the pharmaceutical company Immunor, has developed a coronavirus vaccine called Biovac-19. The shocking allegations in the study include allegations that Chinese laboratories "deliberately created a destructive virus, hid information or corrupted data". It also mentions that the scientists of the communist countries have remained silent.

This 22-page article will be published in a few days in the quarterly scientific journal Biophysics Discovery. Scientists look back on experiments at the Wuhan laboratory between 2000 and 2019 and describe their months-long "forensic analysis." Digging into the archives of magazines and databases, Dallegis and Sarsen have accused Chinese scientists working in concert with US universities of developing devices to make coronaviruses.