The Number of deposit accounts reaches 36.3 million and active accounts is 67.7 percent

Aug Mon 2021 01:37:07


The Number of deposit accounts reaches 36.3 million and active accounts is 67.7 percent

Kathmandu. As of mid-June of the last fiscal year, the number of deposit accounts has reached 36.36 million. A study report on financial access made public by Nepal Rastra Bank has shown these figures. The study has shown that the number of loan accounts is 1.682 million.

As of mid-June 2077 BS, there are 31.886 million deposit accounts and out of this, there are 299.28 million 436 deposit accounts of Nepali natural persons. When calculating the only deposit account of a natural person on the basis of three generations of details, it is seen that 67.34 percent of the citizens had at least one deposit account in mid-June 2077 BS. As of mid-July 2076, the number of Nepalis with at least one deposit account was 60.9 percent. Natural persons accounted for 93.48 percent of the total deposit account. Out of 998 accounts per thousand people, there are 1,314 accounts per thousand persons for men and 687 accounts per thousand persons for women.

State-wise, Bagmati has the highest number of 1,802 accounts per thousand people and Karnali has the lowest number of 458 accounts per thousand people. There are 3,296 accounts per thousand people in metropolitan cities and 251 accounts per thousand people in rural municipalities. Out of the total deposit accounts, 67.7 percent are active. 65.2 percent of the male accounts and 72.3 percent of the female accounts are active. In rural municipalities, 81.5 percent accounts are found to be active. Of the total deposit accounts opened by natural persons, savings account accounted for 90.6 percent and term deposit account accounted for 3.1 percent.

According to the study report, various financial indicators including the deposit account have shown that the financial concentration and financial access situation in Nepal is improving.