9 Microfinance companies passed the Dividends of 2077/078

Nov Sun 2021 11:07:58


9 Microfinance companies passed the Dividends of 2077/078

Kathmandu. Nine of the microfinance companies that make dividend proposals public in the securities secondary market have already passed the annual general meeting.

The companies that have passed the dividend are Diprox Microfinance, Sadhana Microfinance, Gurans Microfinance, Self-Employed Microfinance, Civil Microfinance, Asha Microfinance, NIC Asia Microfinance, RSDC Microfinance and Laxmi Microfinance. Among the institutions that pass dividends are Asha Microfinance Financial Institution and Sadhana Microfinance Financial Institution.

The 20th Annual General Meeting of Diprox Microfinance Institution held at Chitwan Garden Resort Bharatpur on September 8 this year has passed a total dividend of 21.053 percent with 20 percent bonus share and 1.053 percent tax including cash. Similarly, Sadhana MFI has passed a total dividend of 20.31578 percent this year with 25 percent bonus share and 1.31578 percent. The dividend has been passed by the 5th Annual General Meeting held at Hotel Gorkha Biswani Gorkha on November 27.

The 6th Annual General Meeting of Gurans Microfinance held on 22 November has passed 16.90 percent bonus shares and 0.889 percent cash dividend this year. The general assembly of the self-employed microfinance institution held at Nepal Pragya Pratisthan Kamaladi on November 12 has passed 25 percent bonus shares this year.

Civil Microfinance has paid a total of 20 percent dividend this year, including a 19 percent bonus share and a cash dividend of 1 percent tax. The proposed dividend has been approved by the 10th Annual General Meeting held at Bougainvillea Events Tripureshwor on November 12.

The general meeting of Asha Microfinance held in Kakani on November 12 has passed the 25 percent bonus share and 1.3157 percent tax nagal dividend this year. NIC Asia Microfinance has paid a cash dividend of 5.14 percent of its paid-up capital this year. The proposed dividend has been passed by the 4th Annual General Meeting held at Dharan Banquet and Management Pvt.

RSDC Microfinance had proposed to distribute a total dividend of 10.5263 per cent this year with 10 per cent bonus shares and 0.5263 per cent cash for tax purposes. The proposed dividend has been approved by the 10th Annual General Meeting of the organization held at ASEAN Hotel Kalikanagar Butwal. Similarly, Laxmi MFI has paid 20 percent bonus share and 7.37 percent tax including dividend from the profits of FY 077/78. The proposed dividend has been passed by the 10th general meeting of the organization held on November 26 at Agrawal Bhawan Kamalpokhari.