Nabil Bank launches 'Nabil FD Card' scheme

Mar Tue 2022 11:21:54


Nabil Bank launches 'Nabil FD Card' scheme

Kathmandu. Nabil Bank has launched Nabil FD Card (Nabil Fixed Deposit Card) scheme under Credit Card. The bank has informed that credit card facility will be provided to the term deposit customers of the bank. FD Card has been introduced in Nabil Bank to provide financial services to housewives, retirees and university students who have time deposit account but do not have regular income.

Users can use this card at their convenience in POS or ATM. In addition, the card can be used to purchase items such as bicycles, jewelry, mobile phones and laptops in the same monthly installments.

The Nabil FD Card Scheme provides an option / facility for term deposit account holders / customers to get more than one credit card even for their immediate family members. Under the scheme, a limit of Rs 200,000 per card has been set and up to 80 per cent card deposit can be obtained.

It has the facility of Fixed Deposit and Credit Card with amazing features and the customer can enjoy the desired item and earn interest at the rate of 11.03 percent on term deposit.