Buy Opportunity to Commercial Bank's share price below 200

Jun Sat 2022 03:48:42


Buy Opportunity  to Commercial Bank's share price below 200

Kathmandu. Banijya Bank's share price has fallen below Rs 200 per share. Shares of Century Commercial Bank have been traded at Rs 196 to Rs 199. Shares of the bank have fallen below Rs 200 after three years. A year ago, the bank's share price was traded at Rs 324 per share.

Shares of Civil Bank were also traded at Rs 196 per share. A year ago, the bank's shares were bought and sold for up to Rs 316. The bank's share price has also declined by 38 percent in one year.

Not only the new banks like Century and Civil, but also the share price of the old banks has dropped to around 200. Shares of Kumari Bank traded at Rs 200 per share this week. Shares of Nepal Credit and Commerce Bank were also traded at Rs 202 this week. Shares of the bank were traded at Rs 407 per share a year ago.

Shares of Sunsize Bank fell to Rs 212, Lakshmi Bank to Rs 215 and Bank of Kathmandu to Rs 215 this week. The share price of Citizens Bank has dropped to Rs 223, Mega Bank to Rs 226, Prabhu Bank to Rs 237 and Machhapuchche Bank to Rs 245.

Share prices of Global IME Bank and Investment Bank have dropped to Rs 265. NMB Bank is trading at Rs 268, Prime Bank at Rs 272, Sanima Bank at Rs 285, Nepal Bank at Rs 290 and Nepal SVI Bank at Rs 296. Shares of Himalayan Bank traded at Rs 316, Agriculture Development Bank at Rs 335 and Siddhartha Bank at Rs 336. Standard Chartered Bank's share price has dropped to Rs 397.

Navil Bank has the highest share price. Shares of the bank have been traded at Rs 848 per share. The second most expensive share was NIC Asia Bank at Rs 716. The third most expensive share price of Everest Bank has dropped to Rs 458.