Himalayan and Civil Bank Merger signed on Wednesday July 13

Jul Wed 2022 01:42:13


Himalayan and Civil Bank Merger signed on Wednesday July 13

Kathmandu. An agreement was reached between Himalayan Bank and Civil Bank at midnight. The operator of Civil had given the conclusion that he could not go to Himalayan Bank on Tuesday evening. As per the agreement reached at midnight, Civil Bank will merge with Himalayan Bank. The swap ratio will be 100: 81. After the acquisition of 100 shares in Civil Bank, there will be 81 shares.

The name of the institution to be formed after the acquisition will be Himalayan Bank and the board of directors will be Himalayan Bank. The general assembly to be held after the integrated business will select a new board of directors. Ashok Rana will be the Chief Executive Officer. Sunil Pokharel, the CEO of Civil Bank, will be the second preferred deputy CEO after the CEO.

After Himalayan Bank broke the merger with Nepal Investment Bank, it was forced to merge or acquire with another commercial bank to avoid the action of NRB. Investment Bank has agreed to merge with Mega Bank. Whose theoretical acceptance has even come.