Dec Thu 2022 01:38:07
Kathmandu. Finance Minister Janardan Sharma has said that the country's economy is not in crisis. He urged experts and stakeholders not to call the current situation a crisis, saying that the indicators of the economy are in a state of improvement and now that construction will speed up, capital expenditure will also increase.
In the data published by the Central Bank in October, it is seen that even in the current economic situation of the country, the economy is improving. Nevertheless, Finance Minister Sharma became dissatisfied with some individuals and experts in the financial sector saying that the economy is headed towards a crisis.
In a program organized on the occasion of the 26th anniversary of Nepal Economic Journalists Society (SEJAN), Sharma said, 'Since the economy is facing various pressures and challenges rather than crisis, let's think and discuss solutions now, let's say what the current situation is, let's not spread false propaganda.' He said that the collection has decreased and the consumption has also decreased.
On that occasion, he promised that the private sector, which contributes 70 percent to the country's economy and employment, should not be underestimated and that the demands and problems would be addressed. "The country's economy has progressed in a traditional way," Sharma said, "Now let's look for new dimensions, let's use the latest technology in the economic sectors such as water, electricity, information technology, etc." He also said that there is a crisis in Nepal's own capacity, distribution system and structure.