The profit of development banks declined by 20.91 percent: first ranked in Muktinath Bikas Bank

Jan Mon 2023 04:01:25


The profit of development banks declined by 20.91 percent: first ranked in Muktinath Bikas Bank

Kathmandu. Bikas Bank's profit has decreased after the release of the financial statements for the second quarter of the current financial year. In the financial statements of the 8 development banks of the national level for the second quarter of the current financial year, the profit of 5 banks has decreased.

During this period, the profit of development banks decreased by 20.91 percent. 8 national level development banks in operation during the period of 6 months of the current financial year have earned a total profit of 2 billion 53 crore 23 lakh 63 thousand rupees. In the same period last year, banks earned a total profit of 3 billion 20 million 17 lakh 44 thousand rupees.

A profitable bank: Only 3 banks have increased their profit. Muktinath Development Bank, Garima Development Bank and Sign Resunga Development Bank have increased their profits.

The profit of Muktinath Bikas Bank increased by 3.96 percent to 62 crore 62 lakh 33 thousand rupees, the profit of Sign Resunga Development Bank increased by 23.18 percent to 42 crore 96 lakh 78 thousand rupees and the profit of Garima Bikas Bank increased by 1.86 percent to 50 crore 21 lakh 46 thousand. Earned Rs.

Reduced profits of Banks : Also, the profit of Jyoti Bikas Bank, Sangrila Development Bank, Mahalakshmi Bikas Bank, Lumbini Bikas Bank and Kamana Seva Bikas Bank has decreased.

The profit of Jyoti Bikas Bank has decreased by 89.90 percent to Rs 3 crore 47 lakh 59 thousand. Kamana Seva Development Bank decreased by 43.01 percent to Rs. 19 crore 58 lakh 71 thousand, Sangrila Development decreased by 36.38 percent to Rs. 16 crore 65 lakh 63 thousand, Lumbini Development Bank decreased by 25.78 percent to Rs. 26 crore 10 lakh 67 thousand and Mahalakshmi Development The profit of the bank decreased by 30.74 percent and earned 316 million 46 thousand rupees.