Jul Sun 2023 03:29:48
Kathmandu. The Nepal Securities Board (SEBON) has announced the policy and program for the financial year 2080.81 related to the securities market and the commodity exchange market. By announcing policies and programs, the board has adopted 10 main policies related to the development, expansion and reform of the securities market and commodity regulation market. In which, the existing legal system related to securities will be reformed in a timely manner and structural reforms will be made to make the market stronger, dynamic and effective.
1. Making the market and regulation clean, transparent and investor-friendly in accordance with the standards of the international organization of securities market regulatory bodies, ensuring the protection of the rights and interests of investors and enhancing the participation of ordinary and institutional investors in the market.
2, To make structural reforms to make the market stronger, dynamic and effective by timely reforming the existing legal system related to securities,
3. Enhancing the institutional, supervisory and regulatory capacity of the Board by making the tasks carried out by the Board information technology-friendly and providing fast and effective services.
4. New in the economy through PE/VC Ecosystem construction and SME Industry Development Signature Policy for the latest knowledge, skills, abilities or business related to new goods, services, technology or intellectual property or the capital mobilization required to promote the latest enterprise business. creating edge,
5. Bringing the barter market into operation,
6. To make the system of granting licenses in the securities market and barter market more efficient, orderly and transparent, to grant licenses through an open system within a certain period of time to organizations that have met the specified criteria.
7. To bring sectoral diversification in the securities market, by facilitating the issuance and listing of commercially successful and established productive organizations, by facilitating the expansion of the market and sectoral balance, and by encouraging the introduction of new tradable instruments in the secondary market of securities, by encouraging and diversifying the securities instruments.
8, To increase the number of investors in the capital market and to develop a competitive environment and to connect the knowledge, skills, capital, technology and network of non-resident Nepali citizens with the development and prosperity of the country, to prepare the necessary legal and institutional infrastructure for easy entry of non-resident Nepali citizens into the capital market,