Digital currency Recognition in Nepal and Digital bank can banking services

Mar Thu 2024 02:21:58


Digital currency Recognition in Nepal and Digital bank can banking services

In the bill to amend the Act on Banks and Financial Institutions, 2073, a provision has been proposed that digital banks can also conduct banking and financial transactions.

In the bill registered in the House of Representatives, it is proposed that the digital bank can conduct banking and financial transactions and also recognize the digital currency issued by Nepal Rastra Bank.

It is mentioned in the amendment that digital bank can also carry out banking and financial transactions including taking deposits, granting loans as prescribed by the National Bank.

In the amendment, the system of accepting and paying digital currency has been added. This new arrangement has been proposed for the use and promotion of digital currency.

It is also proposed to give legal validity to the amount deposited through electronic means. Earlier there was no such provision in the Act. In the amendment, payments and loans made through electronic means are included in the definition of electronic transactions.