Attraction On API shares with going to issuing rightful

Mar Fri 2021 07:59:58


Attraction On API shares  with going to issuing rightful

Kathmandu. Investors' interest in Api Power's shares has increased with the application to the Nepal Securities Board for the rightful eviction of 29.38 percent.

Api Power Company Limited has filed an application with the Board on March 25 for the issue of 5.67 million shares. Muktinath Capital is the sales manager of the rights shares. Earlier, the appellant had sold the right shares in the ratio of 1 to zero point 47 from October 29 to November 20.

After the said right share, Rs. The company, which has a paid-up capital of Rs 1.92 billion, is about to sell its shares on the basis of the same capital. Api Power has also distributed 9 percent bonus shares this year.

The company is going to sell 29.38 percent of its shares in the second phase. 2 billion 499.68 million 56 thousand will be reached. The appellant has resorted to the right to raise additional capital for the construction of the 40 MW Upper Chameliya Hydropower Project.