Five banks are issuing Rs 9.60 billion bonds

Sep Fri 2020 10:18:12


Five banks are issuing  Rs 9.60 billion bonds

Kathmandu. According to the Nepal Securities Board, 9.6 million bonds worth Rs 9.60 billion from five banks are in the pipeline for approval.

Bonds from Siddhartha, Everest, Sanima, Nepal Credit and Commerce (NCC) and Bank of Kathmandu are in the pipeline for issuing bonds.

Siddhartha Bank is issuing 3 million bonds worth Rs 3 billion for a period of seven years at an interest rate of 8.5 percent. Out of 3 million bonds to be issued, 1.2 million bonds will be sold to the general public and 1.8 million bonds will be sold to the association. Its sales manager is NMB Capital.

Similarly, Everest Bank is going to issue 1 million bonds of Rs 1 billion for 7 years at 10.25 percent interest rate. The public will be able to apply for Everest's bonds in 4 million units of Rs 400 million, while the bank will sell the remaining 6 million units of Rs 600 million to various organizations and individuals.

Sanima is the bank that is about to issue bonds. Sanima Bank is going to sell 4 million bonds worth Rs 4 billion for 10 years at an interest rate of 10.25 percent. Of the 4 million units that the bank is going to sell, the general public will be able to apply for 1.6 million units and the bank itself will sell 2.4 million units to various organizations and individuals.

Nepal Credit and Commerce (NCC) Bank is also preparing for the issuance of bonds. The bank is issuing 3 million bonds worth Rs 3 billion for a period of 10 years. Its interest rate is 10.25 percent. The general public will sell 1.2 million shares and the bank itself will sell 1.8 million shares to various organizations and individuals.

Bank of Kathmandu is in the board's pipeline for issuing bonds. The bank is going to issue 1.6 million shares worth Rs 1.60 billion for 10 years. Its interest rate is 10.25 percent. The general public will be able to apply for 640,000 lots of 1.6 million bonds of Rs 1.60 billion and the bank will sell 960,000 lots to various organizations and individuals.