Be Aware in time ! Lockdown situation to stop the country Again - PM Oli

Apr Thu 2021 08:14:12


Be Aware in time ! Lockdown situation to stop the country Again - PM Oli

Kathmandu. Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli has expressed serious concern over the re-emergence of the corona virus. He urged all to be vigilant and take special care of hygiene and personal health.

Inaugurating the 70th Annual General Assembly of the Nepal Chamber of Commerce, he stressed on the need for the entire Nepali people to be aware so as not to create a compelling situation that would bring the country to a standstill again. He said he was serious about failing to control the corona and would criticize the prime minister. He also claimed that covid infection can be avoided by making a habit of steaming hot water and rinsing with salt water.

The Ministry of Health and Population had issued a notice on Thursday urging to remain vigilant as the rate of covid infection has been increasing in India recently and the risk has also increased in Nepal due to open borders. The ministry has given 10-point instructions to tighten the health standards saying that the British mutant virus of corona virus has also spread in Nepal.