We have Go to 'Force Big Merger' Suggestion to NRB

Jun Thu 2021 10:51:06


We have Go to 'Force Big Merger' Suggestion to NRB

Kathmandu. As the NRB approaches its monetary policy announcement for the current fiscal year, the issue of 'Big Merger' of banks and financial institutions has once again come under discussion. Experts in the banking and financial sector say that the government should adopt the policy of 'force merger' to make the big merger possible. Former Governor of Nepal Rastra Bank Dr. As Chiranjeevi Nepal Commercial Banks do not appear to be merging on their own, the central bank should be forced to merge even if it comes up with various schemes or laws.

He says, "Small banks and financial institutions should not be run anymore, they should be protected by giving more incentives. If there are 15 big commercial banks and 17 development banks, it is enough to have 13 financial institutions. There are more than 40/45 financial institutions in Nepal except cooperatives." No need. "

Pradyumna Pokharel, president of the Volunteer Bankers' Association, said, "The government should focus on the policy of merging the big ones with the big ones rather than making the small ones bigger.

 Trader Pawan Bhimsaria's statement about the necessity of a big merger is interesting. He says, "The aspirations of many businessmen to become bank managers have been fulfilled in the meantime. Now we have to merge and move towards building a real bank. There was a wave of people making their visiting cards as bank managers. Has been completed. "