What is a USB condom? How to use

Aug Sat 2021 01:28:09


What is a USB condom? How to use

USB condoms seem to be a tool of family planning. But it is not a means of family planning. It's a kind of protection that protects the world from dangerous infections in today's smart Android technology.

Normal USB chargers can steal that information even when charging the mobile. Yes, USB condoms are a way to prevent data theft.

Nowadays, there is a USB port for mobile charging everywhere. Public places such as bus parks, airports, various parks, hotels, even smart dustbins, charging ports and simply connected. Charging from such cable or port may steal data or information on your mobile.

Although data transfer is generally required, hackers have been known to steal by sending malware or other viruses, according to various international media outlets. USB data blockers have been introduced in the market to prevent personal details from being stolen. This protects you from juice jacking.

How to use a USB condom is like a small USB adapter. Which contains input and output ports. This adapter supplies power for mobile charging but stops data transfer completely. The USB condom, which is available in the US market for डलर 10, is available in the Indian market from Rs 900 to Rs 1,000 online.

Its use is increasing nowadays. The use of such security tools helps to keep you safe at a time when unpleasant incidents occur every year due to the theft of personal life data.