DV Lottery 2023 Open, can be filled from October 6 to November 9

Oct Sat 2021 12:27:21


DV Lottery 2023 Open, can be filled from October 6 to November 9

The US State Department has announced the registration date for the DV Lottery 2023. The DV lottery can be filled from 12 noon on Wednesday, October 6 to 12 noon on Tuesday, November 9. The State Department has warned that more than one applicant will be automatically disqualified. The winners of DV 2023 will be able to obtain a visa by September 30, 2023 and the results will come in May 2022. Those who have participated in the DV lottery in the past will also be able to fill the DV this time.

Citizens of Bangladesh, Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, India, Jamaica, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, South Korea, UK, Venezuela and Vietnam will not be eligible to apply for DV this time. But Macau and Taiwan will be eligible. In the last five years, more than 50,000 immigrants from countries that have immigrated to the United States are not eligible to fill out a DV.

If a couple of citizens of a country who are not eligible for DV are from a qualified country, such persons may be eligible for DV. Similarly, even if one of the parents is born in a qualified country, the children will be able to fill the DV on the basis of that country. To be eligible for DV, you must have studied up to class 12 or have experience in assigned work.

When filling the DV, name, date of birth, place of birth, passport details, photo, address, phone number, email and other details should be submitted. It has been suggested not to use a photo used in the past or older than 6 months. Similarly, when filling in the DV, the married person should mention all the details of the couple and those who have children should mention all their details.