Nabil Bank Completed Sustainable Banking and Financial Literacy Program in Kalikot

Dec Sun 2021 11:52:49


Nabil Bank Completed Sustainable Banking and Financial Literacy Program in Kalikot

Kathmandu. Nabil Bank has completed sustainable banking and financial literacy program in Calicut. Nabil Bank has also entered into an agreement with Palanta Municipality for entrepreneurship development and financial access under sustainable banking. Chief Business Officer Ganesh Prasad Awasthi on behalf of Nabil Bank and Chairman Laxman Bahadur Bam on behalf of the village have signed the partnership agreement.

The objective of the partnership is to provide various enterprise related programs / trainings at the local level by the village municipalities to the entrepreneurs who want to start their own enterprises.

Nabil Bank has started sustainable banking on the day of Paddy Day. Nabil Bank has made public the sustainable banking program to support the government's goal of sustainable development. Under the program, the bank has started Nabil Farmers Loan and Nabil Entrepreneur Loan. The Bank has brought this program for the commercialization and entrepreneurship development of the agricultural sector targeting the people who have less access to finance in the rural areas.